The next meeting of AGENCY tech users will be held on Monday, March 25th, from 12-1:30 pm. Brown Bag Lunches for tech users are designed to provide an opportunity for people to meet, find out what kinds of stuff other people are doing, and share ideas and best practices. And be a forum to discuss/provide guidance around the future development of AGENCY!
Although we’ve gotten off to a slow start, having held two of these so far, we’re aiming to make these a regular monthly meeting. Special thanks to Plymouth Housing Group for hosting the March meeting!
So if this sounds interesting to you, bring a lunch and come join us on March 25th. See you then!
AGENCY Tech Users Brown Bag Lunch Monday, March 25th, 12 – 1:30 pm Plymouth Housing Group 2113 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98121
Although it’s easy to get cynical, efforts like this are really important. So many legislators say that hearing from their constituents about the issues they care about, as well as their personal experiences, really does make a difference. Your representatives need to hear from you!
TL;DR? Simplify please!
Go forth and Advocate for Housing! Register. Go. Seriously, do it! Registration info can be found in the links above. Or just Click here.
Full disclosure: AGENCY Software is one of the sponsors of this 2019 Advocacy Day. Because we want our databases to include more people living in safe, stable, affordable housing, and less people who are experiencing homelessness.
Bonus Test! Can you read an AGENCY Housing History?
Case Managers might not enjoy entering Living Situation records into AGENCY, but they tell an important story, both about individuals and as statistics that paint a larger picture. So just to translate all this advocacy stuff into AGENCY-speak, we want to see less of this:
An AGENCY Housing History. This person is currently homeless.
and more of this:
A much better AGENCY Housing History. This person was homeless, but is now living in housing with supportive services to help them successfully keep their housing.
Recovery Cafe in Seattle has been using AGENCY since 2011, evolving it to fit with their operations. They track Recovery Circles, enrollments, attendance, member surveys and more. Recently, Recovery Cafe adapted the software to work with multiple sites all sharing the same database. See this AGENCY Update for more information.