Welcome to the AGENCY Software. It’s taken a while to get this site up and running, but we’re aiming to have it better maintained and more frequently updated going forward.
Since we’re running on WordPress there’s this blog feature, which we’ll definitely be making use of. You can look forward to updates about new features in AGENCY, how it’s being used, upcoming events, issues or other noteworthy news, technical information, and whatever else we choose to publish.
If you’re interested in helping to build or maintain this website, or would like to submit a post, please fill out the contact form.
What’s that you say, there is no contact form? Oh yeah, well we haven’t set one up yet. See, it’s just waiting for you to step up and do it! In the meantime, you could refer to the Contact page. I’m pretty sure that’s there, cause I wrote it myself! 🙂
Looking forward to more and better posts in the future!