
AGENCY seeks to create connections and community across organizations. At this time, there are mailing lists available to connect with other AGENCY users. There is also a Facebook page.

We have also begun holding Brown Bag lunches for technical users of AGENCY to meet and connect. We hope these lunches will help people exchange ideas, discuss challenges and share best practices. We are aiming to have these occur monthly in the Seattle, WA area. We haven’t quite achieved that yet. We’re aiming for the next one to be in February or March of 2019. Please email if you are interested in being informed of these meetings.

Get Involved!

We invite you to become a part of the AGENCY Community. AGENCY is collaboratively developed and continually refining and improving. There are lots of ways people can become involved, whether it’s technical development skills, web & graphic design, creating user and technical documentation, or helping to manage the project and its infrastructure. Try the mailing lists or send us an email if you’re interested.